Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, School
Priam, an ordinary college student from Tokyo, is thrust into a world of magic and monsters when he is summoned as a familiar by Princess Evelyne von Rozenheim, a haughty and powerful noblewoman. Bound by a magical rune, Priam is forced to serve Evelyne at the prestigious Academy of Arcane Nobility, where mages and nobles train to master the arcane arts.
But Priam is no ordinary familiar. Unlike the beasts and spirits typically summoned, he is a human-a rarity in this world. Worse yet, he possesses no innate magical ability, making him an object of ridicule among the academy's elite. However, the binding rune on his hand begins to awaken something within him: a latent power tied to the mysterious Void, a force beyond the understanding of even the greatest mages.
As Priam struggles to adapt to his new life, he finds himself surrounded by a diverse cast of characters, each with their own secrets and ambitions:
Evelyne von Rozenheim, his fiery and arrogant master, whose icy exterior hides a vulnerability she dares not show.
Kirche Augusta Frederica von Anhalt-Zerbst, a flirtatious and confident fire mage who takes an immediate interest in Priam.
Astrid von Eisenberg, a brilliant and enigmatic scholar who sees Priam as a fascinating anomaly.
Lady Seraphina de Montclair, a mysterious noblewoman with ties to the Void and a hidden agenda.
Luna von Nacht, a shy and kind-hearted beastkin girl who becomes one of Priam's closest allies.