32 parts Complete Agent 3,4 and 8 are having the typical agent work days when suddenly someone unknown attacked one of our beloved agent with the virus,the virus later than spreads in the body ?vessel? And soon took over control of the body and spreaded the virus to other inklings.
The virus can control inklings ,yes. The virus sole purpose over here is to kill and take control of inklings.
Fully inspired by JoseFrancesco from the book "THREE ! FOUR ! EIGHT !" In chapter " The future ",basically Im making the one chapter into a story and making a few changes.
The black ink Idea is from agent3supremacy(go check her out )
Credits to JoseFrqncesco and the artists that drew the pictures I used throughout the story and agent3supremacy :)
*if you don't like stories that Swear,I don't recommend this book for you.Also this book is Agent 3 x agent 8