Female Inquisitor Lavallen in a fun-loving sexually adventurous elf. After a three-way tryst with Cassandra and Sera, a casual sexual relationship with Leliana, Maileek ends up falling for Cassandra with a hardshell exterior. Genre: Romance/FemSlash/Humor/Action Adventure Ch1 Sera/Cassandra/Inquisitor --Smut/Femslash/Angst Ch2 Leliana/Inquisitor-- Smut (coming this week) Ch3 Cassandra/Inquisitor--Angst (coming this week) Ch4 Leliana/Inquisitor--Smut & Humor (coming this week) Ch5 …coming May 7th… Action/Adventure/ Humor/Angst/Romance Ch6 …coming May 14th…Smut/FemSlash(orgy)/Humor—F/Hawke, Isabella, Lilliana, Cassandra, F/Inquisitor…nonparticipating members—Iron Bull and Morrigan (unless readers ask want it) Generally as a reader ask for what you want, and I’ll probably find a way to make it happen. Just leave it in a review;)All Rights Reserved