22 parts Ongoing Sophia Eloise Williams: Best friends with Dylan Andrew Peterson and has a big crush on Dylans older brother. She has been crushing on Mark since she was in freshman year...And like any other friendship, she tells her BFF (Dylan) about her crush.
Meanwhile, Dylan wants nothing more than to hear about her stupid crush on his older brother. But he plays the good friend and supports her nonetheless...even when it means he has to hide his true feelings towards Sophia and watch her fall for his brother and not him...
Dylan Peterson: Best friends with Sophia and has been in love with her since the moment he met her at that little park near their house. Ever since then, he's been falling in love with her more and more every day. But soon realized he was in the friend zone and would stay there and only be the best friend watching from the sidelines. So, you could say he was surprised (note the sarcasm) when he found out his dear Sophia has developed feelings for his older brother...Mark. Now, don't get him wrong, he loves his brother in his own ways, but he was very heartbroken yet again because everyone always liked Mark more than him, even when his parents tell him it's not true. And of course, he was thrilled to see that he finally had someone in his life (Sophia) that his brother didn't have...But he keeps his mouth shut and supports her and keeps his feelings locked away deep inside and promises himself he will never tell her because he's too afraid to lose her altogether.
What will happen in Sophia and Dylan's friendship...will he ever tell her; will she ever figure it out and discover that she also has feelings for Dylan? And most importantly...How will Sophia react to finding out her dear best friend has taken a girl on a date and is planning to go on more; will she be happy for him that he finally found someone for him, or would she be jealous and sad that it's not her he's taking on a date.
Read more to find out from both characters POV's!