The world of Auralis is at a precarious crossroads. The Void Nexus, an ancient and powerful entity, stirs once more, threatening to unravel the fabric of reality itself. The Trine-Serenai, Aelira, and Solara-are struggling to maintain the balance between the forces of light and darkness, but an ancient prophecy looms, suggesting that a fourth member of the Trine will emerge from the depths of forgotten legends: Zinth Draven, a demon kitsune whose existence is tied to the Void itself.
As Zinth begins to uncover his true nature, he is drawn into a web of political intrigue, cosmic secrets, and moral dilemmas that force him to question not only his identity but also his purpose in the world. Alongside the Trine, he must navigate alliances with powerful and dangerous entities: Liora, the Starlight Oracle; Varex, the Eternal Wanderer; Nyxira, the Serpent of Echoes; and Thalor, the Dreamshaper-each with their own goals, visions, and hidden motives.
While some offer wisdom and guidance, others seek to manipulate Zinth for their own ends. The Cult of the Abyss, led by an ancient force known only as "The Forgotten," rises from the shadows, seeking to plunge Auralis into eternal darkness. Zinth must decide whether to trust the Trine and their vision of balance or to follow his own path to reshape the world as he sees fit.
As Zinth delves deeper into his connection with the Void Nexus, he learns that his ultimate fate is tied not only to Auralis but to the very nature of existence itself. The choice he must make will determine the future of all realms-whether to maintain the balance that has kept the world stable or to unleash the power of the Void and change everything forever.
الرواية بقلمي أنا إنتصار لخضاري (غيمة) سأقاضي كل من ينقلها بدون إذني .
🍂تنتقل فتاة المدينة للعيش في بيت جدتها في الريف بعد ذلك الحادث الذي تسبب في موت عائلتها لتلتقي هناك بذلك الشاب الذي تدعوه هي بغريب القرية ...دون أن تعلم بأن كل شيء حدث كان مخططا له ، لم تكن أمهاتنا على خطأ حينما أوصيننا أن لا نثق بشخص غريب و أن لا ندعو أناسا لا نعرفهم لبيوتنا ...🍂
" يبدو أنكِ جديدة هنا ، على كل أنا أسكن بالجوار إن إحتجتِ لأي شيء "
إبتسمت و هي تمد يدها لتصافحه " أنا كلوديا ! ما هو إسمك يا غريب القرية ؟"
إبتسم هو إبتسامة ساحرة و صافحها قائلا
" إديس ...أدعى إديس "
🍂صحيح أنها كانت المرة الأولى التي يصافح فيها بشرية لكنه كان متأكدا من أن الأمر سيتعدى ذلك خلال الأيام القليلة القادمة .🍂