Malia baker, 19 year old that seeks attention and fame. Ms. baker wants fame, that's all she ever wanted, fame and attention. but she never got it. She always got love but she never wanted love, she wanted fame. on the otherhand. Kylie Cantrall, 20 year old that seeks for love and appreciation. Ms. Cantrall is the complete opposite, she is a actor and a singer, she wants love, care and someone she could love. She never got love or care from her parents so she learned to cope with it. but she grew up and became famous. She stars in many shows. she always got attention and the love by her fans but she didn't want that type of love. she wanted the type of love that comes in a person. one she could cuddle with, watch movies, eat, etc. not fans who only love her through music. but one day they met. Ms. baker asked for her to date her so she could have fame but then they compromise. they make a deal to "fake date" will they fall in love or is it just for the fame.All Rights Reserved
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