"Why are you even still out here?" James' words were slow, and laced with hurt, but he didn't really blame Will. He would still drink, with or without Will's discouragement.
"It's quiet. And it's nice, with you. I'm worried about you. You've lost a shed load of weight, mate. And you're drinking, hurting yourself- Of course I'm worried."
James just looked at him for a second, not knowing what to say, until his drunken brain took the lead.
"Bit sappy for you, innit?"
He believed his eyes played a cruel joke when he saw Will smiling. It wasn't a full, bright smile, but it was the amused one he'd displayed thousands of times, every time James said something funny in terrible situations.
Theirs this shy kid who's at my new school but he never talks. Never. He smiles and nods when he speaks to teachers but besides that I've never heard him speak a word. He's on the soccer team. He's their star athlete. His teammates love him. Even If he never had actually spoken to them.
I snap out of it and turn to face my biology teacher. Mr. Voss is his name.
"Your new so I'm gonna have perry catch you up ok jai" he paused "me"
I turn to the back of the class and he was already looking at me.
Then he just looked down and started writing. What .. Has.. Voss .. Gotten .. Me .. Into?