Aeons ago, beings arose with the power to manifest reality through the written word by using quills imbued with creation magic. To minimise the risk of creative destruction, they each agreed to use their quill to create one world before passing it to the next generation to repeat the process.
This is the origin of Scribes.
Thomas' family wields one of these quills. Just so happens, his family are also writers, and they've used the quill to bring their world, Eikatale, to life. Eikatale comprises four realms, each with their own primordial magic focused on one element.
Cordela, Realm of Water.
Alinta, Realm of Fire.
Terra, Realm of Earth
Zephyr, Realm of Air.
Despite scribes being sworn to secrecy, Thomas believes his family should fulfil their ambitions as writers and publish their books. So, that's what he does. He soon learns just how powerful creation magic can be, and why it's best kept a secret.