The Goenka family is known for their love and hate, depending on what suits them best. This was an undeniable truth that even Kartik couldn't deny or fight against. His demise only sparked a series of unfortunate events.
Kartik's father was a harsh man who despised all of his daughters-in-law because he wanted a submissive daughter-in-law who would obey him like a robot, which neither of Kartik's wives did during their marriages. As a result, the children suffered the consequences. After Kartik and his wives passed away, his beloved daughters were cruelly separated and sent to their maternal homes, never to see each other again.
To make matters worse, Manish's manipulative ways caused once-close sisters to misunderstand and dislike each other.
Additionally, Kairav Goenka, Kartik's only son from his wife Naira, was adored by all of his sisters but was forbidden from leaving the Goenka House due to Manish's obsession with him being the heir of Kartik. Kairav could only long to reunite with his sisters and was tormented by the fact that they held animosity towards each other.
In a repetition of history, just as a son yearned for his mother in the past, now a brother desperately sought to see his sisters again. Kairav's life was at risk due to this family feud until Manish set aside his pride and stubbornness and called for the girls to come back home.
Despite their mutual dislike, the girls shared a deep love for their older brother, who served as a smaller version of their father, Kartik Goenka. Despite their initial animosity, they made an effort to act cordial towards each other. However, this was not as simple as it seemed. As romance and conflict entered the picture and old grudges resurfaced, hidden secrets and long-standing feuds threatened to destroy their façade of normality and force them to confront their inner turmoil of resentment towards each other.
Will the difficulties & past conflicts cause them to become more divided or bring them together?
parental family hate her. she was reserved, cold, rude was betrayed by almost every one and suddenly descover her maternal family who love her to the core