the full description of this story will be in the first chapter for it's basically tree OC's in one story and each OC may have their own story but told from their point of view this story will be told by my female Iron Man's point of view the other ones will be told by Mordred Stephanya Strange's point of view and Chenoa Barton also for those who have read the original version of this story a lot of it will be the same but some of it will be different for example she has more than one childhood friend in this one 😉 What if Maria and Howards Stark had a daughter instead of a son Amalthea Erzilia Stark spent her entire life having only three friends Mordred Stéphanie "Stevie" Strange, Osmodeus Erotes Stane and her family butler's son Steven James Jarvis who helped her created a AI that she named Just A Rather Very Intelligent System aka J.A.R.V.I.S. the name of the AI was Steven's idea as is the AI's voice she was forced into a arranged marriage with Asmodeus at the age of 14 there was just one problem she wasn't in love with her male best friend she was dating her family butler's son till tragedy struck and tragedy seems to strike her life a LOTAll Rights Reserved