After the fall of Voldemort, Harry Potter's victory was short-lived. Dark magic, something no one anticipated, took root within him, corrupting his very soul. Now, a shadow of the hero he once was, Harry's mind is consumed by darkness, a prisoner of his own powers. Ron Weasley, who once stood by his side through every battle, is given the impossible task of capturing his best friend-and the first person he ever loved-to bring him to the dementors.
But as he confronts Harry, now a hollow version of the boy he once called brother, Ron finds himself torn between duty and love. The lines between right and wrong blur, and Ron is forced to grapple with his feelings, his guilt, and the devastating reality of letting go of the man he never thought he'd lose. Will he fulfill his mission, or will his heart lead him down a darker path?
Tony is in a dying relationship with Steve, as much as he wants to hold onto their love, it's difficult to when Steve is always out in search of Bucky Barnes.
When the lost soldier is found, Tony finds it impossible to stay away. Bucky is determined to get Tony out of his toxic relationship. After all, what is he if not a traitor?
~I own no rights to Marvel/ MCU
~The cover art is not mine
~Trigger warning will be inserted if necessary