He was always searching-grasping at new passions, new dreams, new identities-only to watch them slip through his fingers. Nothing ever stayed. Not the hobbies he once loved, not the people he once cared for, not even the certainty that he knew himself.
From the quiet confusion of childhood to the restless disillusionment of adolescence, Turmoil Within follows the inner battle of a boy who wants to hold on but never can. Every path he walks feels temporary, every passion fleeting. He wonders if he is broken or if this is simply who he is-a person destined to drift.
But when something finally feels different, he is forced to ask himself: Can he break the cycle, or is he fated to always lose interest, always move on?
A raw and introspective novel, Turmoil Within is a journey through self-doubt, purpose, and the quiet war between the desire to stay and the impulse to leave.