"Humans don't understand us. What they don't understand, they fear. What they fear, they reject."
Kosachi. It's a word to instill fear. It's a word you never want to hear. Especially in the form of 'you are a kosachi' coming out of some stranger's mouth. Some kosachi's mouth. But, wanting something doesn't make it untrue. The kosachi spoke the truth, I was one of them. So, was it really a surprise I joined them? Was it really a surprise I interned at Vornlei Co, a company made entirely of kosachien, run by a kosachi? That choice would be the best and worst choice I ever made.
CEO. It's kind of got a ring to it. Not as good as 'activist' or 'leader' or 'champion of the cause', but it's still quite something. It needs to be quite something. It took me long enough to earn their respect. My title should have some weight. My name should have some weight, and it does. Ms. Verloin, CEO of Vornlei Co. If you think that being widely known for something as controversial as championing kosachien rights would bring enemies, you're most definitely right. It sure has; the Anloins, devoting their efforts to sabotaging my work. I can deal with them, most of the time. But, now they have the Taviaskii Stone, which can nullify kosachi abilities. And I desperately need to get it away from them.