"Adversity" is a story about two teenagers who, despite all odds, discover that their lives can be beautiful, although it is sometimes difficult to find a place for themselves in it.
This girl. This boy. Not the right time...
Two high school students from a small town near London: Genevieve, an exemplary girl from a so-called good home, and Nathan, a boy about whom you can say a lot, but not that he is ideal. Nathan's family home could hardly be called good either... his mother has always paid more attention to drugs and alcohol than to her son.
Genevieve will soon leave for college in Philadelphia, to meet the expectations of her family there... she has to be perfect. Nathan... well, he will simply try not to follow the path his mother has been following for years.
On the surface, these two teenagers have nothing in common except their place of residence and school. And yet they have something in common. Both, each in their own way, are trying to cope with loneliness. They hide behind a mask of indifference, hiding their true, sensitive faces from the world. They meet by chance, and the course of events slowly reveals themselves to each other, perhaps even more than they would like. Does it make sense at all, since Genvi will soon disappear from Nathan's world?