Two and a half years ago, Robin- yeah, t h e Robin- saved Tuemerra Singh's life. Tuemerra lives on among the muck of Crime Alley now, he's actually getting paid for his time on the street corner, and he's got a pretty cozy place in the allegedly haunted, abandoned Gotham Opera House.
Eight months ago, a tiny-zombie-bird-thing mauled a couple of Tuemerra's clients and promptly leeched itself onto him like a boney octopus. The tiny-zombie-bird-thing was apparently named Hadley, and she needed a home and a serious moral compass correction.
Six months ago, Robin died.
Today, Hadley the bird-zombie brings back a kid-zombie and declares it to be a Friend. Tuemerra decides that he is very tired and did not sign up for this.
Rated Mature for depictions of graphic violence.