Sonic x OC [Book 1]
Eleutheromania; {n.} Origins in Ancient Greece
[1.] The Intense and Irresistible Desire for Freedom
[2.] A Manic Yearning for Freedom
When Thomas Michael Wachowski says he wants someone to come to him with the plea to save them in a moment of life or death he never expected that someone to be 3 loveable space creatures who are in desperate need of their favourite, most tolerable human to hep them escape a madman with a moustache from the civil war.
Join the journey of Sonic, Kirralaa, Teyrick and Tom as they struggle their way through Government weirdos, bar fights, complicated family feelings, ring mayhem, catastrophic accident causing powers, and the road trip of a lifetime to save three alien teenagers lives;
in [My Dear Eleutheromania]
Warning there will be swearing because it makes up a good portion of my day to day language.
You are warned.
I'm not putting an age restriction on this even though I probably should, but it's not gonna stop you all from coming in waves, so your life is in your own hands, rue your own fuckening.
{n.} fuckening
[1] when you know shits about to go wrong and it goes wrong. Ah there it is the fuckening.
I'm writing this for myself cause I always insert myself into stories and no one does it like my brain does it so here's my story if you like it then that's nice if you don't than you can just block me and leave, that's the internet for you. *shrug*
All rights to the sonic characters and most of the plot obviously belong to the movie/sega and whoever else owns sonic, everything else (my oc, the story parts I created, etc) belong to me do not steal