# "Greetings... Vigour warriors, to where your fate ends! I wish crush you, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!" If you ever dare to enter the world of vigour, you will experience something unknown. Welcome to the village of ardourville, everybody here is passionate! And nothing stands in the way of the noblemen/women! ... Oh sorry! I see theres been a misunderstanding... Peace is no longer. 3-4 girls. Saving their home. When the brawlers strike, so does the girls. They fight. KEYLA'S POV: I moved towns weeks ago, and this place was nice! It was so I would get away from the big hero action. Places are packed with heroines these days, so why move in the first place? I wanted a new life, away from the fights face to face in front of my house... to realise I BECOME one of the heroines. ROXI'S POV: I met keyla... She was one of the nicer ones in my school! We became really good friends, then i found out something. She was the pretty cure who everyone was cheering for on the news! I was really... Shocked? Because I didn't realise I would be friends with a hero! Then something CRAZY happened... I JOINED HER IN ACTION! RIHANNA'S POV: I moved schools. I made friends with Keyla and Roxi. We became the "KRR". Then we was talking... Then some person came infront of us then BAM Keyla and Roxi are heroines! PRETTY CURE! I was so... happy! That my friends was pretty cure!!! Then... I became pretty cure the next day! I was't that enthusiastic about it tho, because I thought it was a dream, then another day passes and I get so excited realising it wasn't a dream...All Rights Reserved