This k-drama is about Surviving a survival show is difficult.
Surviving two boys who are driving you crazy is impossible.
HyeJin just wanted to debut. Not winning a divided fandom, two overly intense companions, and a live existential crisis.
On the one hand, there is Jeongin, the maknae with the face of an angel and the attitude of a minor demon. Always there, supporting her... and annoying her as if it were his mission in life.
On the other, there's Seungmin, the sarcasm watchdog, with his critical gaze and comments that make her want to prove to him that she's better than him... or make him shut up with a kiss (wait, what?).
The problem? It's not a dating show.
The second problem? The fandom is already shipping all three of them.
Between impossible tests, elimination strategies and tension in each rehearsal, HyeJin will discover that the real competition is not just about debuting...
It's for not falling in love (or falling in love with two people at the same time).
🔥 A chaotic survival show, with romance, betrayal, ships and impossible decisions. 🔥
Welcome to the reality show where love is more dangerous than elimination.