Born into darkness, Evelyne "Evie" Moreau was never meant to survive. A failed experiment under Mother Miranda's ruthless hand, she was abandoned as defective and left to fend for herself with a mind shattered between two realities. She looks nineteen, but inside, she is nothing more than a frightened child, clinging to the desperate need for love and safety.
But her innocence is deceiving. The Cadou buried within her festers like a wound, warping her very being. When she is frightened, when she is abandoned, something else emerges , something monstrous.
Wandering the depths of the village, Evie seeks comfort in a world that offers only cruelty. And when her path leads her to Castle Dimitrescu, she is given a chance at a new life not as a guest, but as a maid, where her place in this world is decided for her.