A warrior cats story! Looming Shadows takes place many.. many seasons after the Warrior Cats we now know and love. After a Disastrous Skirmish between Riverclan and Windclan that results in three deaths the Clans are forced to break the peace that have followed them for seasons to help the two clans mend their relationship. But the pain is too fresh and Starclan's silence is causing worry that something dark is upon the horizon. Moorpaw struggles in Windclan everyday, even more so after the skirmish that took the lives of his siblings Ryepaw and Mosspaw. Determined to stop such a disaster from ever happening again Moorpaw sets out on a journey to find the truth. But conspiracies are threatening his progress and certain things are better left forgotten. Splashkit is horrified to learn of her father's death during a disastrous skirmish with Windclan. Scared and alone she struggles with the emotions that threaten to drown her. It doesn't help that her clan's most trustworthy warrior Smokestripe is calling for Windclan blood. Claiming that Windclan lied about her father's death and that he saw Windclan purposely kill Birchmist.All Rights Reserved