Amidst the eerie and dark castle, a prince born in the darkest night that has ever fallen to Vethrion. His wails filled the quiet room. "A monster has been born into this kingdom. My King, we must kill it before this monstrosity spreads!" The archbishop said in a panicked voice. The baby was surrounded with dark mist, his skin still covered in blood. And the queen lied on the mattress with eyes open, dead, cold body and completely stilled. "Seal the prince-no, monster away!" The King shouted his order before leaving the room. Guilt gnawing in his heart as he left the chamber, he wanted to mourn for his dearest wife, but he could not, knowing his wife's affair with another man from the Woods. None of the maids were brave enough to even get close to the prince, let alone touch him. So they sealed the chamber away, leaving the newborn prince with his dead mother. The room that was once filled with laughter of the beloved rulers of Vethrion, now full of dread and nightmare. Year by year, the prince continues to grow. They feed him enough for him to survive. One night, a voice crept into his mind. Lucian. Lucian Noctisbane. The voice was dark, creepy and cruel. When Lucian woke up, he was sweating, his veins popped out as he stared at the red moon. He could hear a woman screaming far away in the dark woods. Though no one else can.
In the woods, a witch has been born under the bloody moon. A girl whose destiny is to sacrifice her life for an exchange into a peace life of Lucian. Though no one knew. Perhaps no one ever will.