There's a legend behind DragonShifting.
"A pureblooded dragon, one of the last, dared to fly above the clouds. He found nothing but clear skies, cold, light-tinted fields of fog, and the undying warmth of the sun. But the longer he flew so high, the more brittle the air became. He grew so cold his wings froze, and he fell from the sky. Life felt pity for the flying serpent, so she spared him from meeting death. The dragon asked Life how he could repay her, and she replied by asking him to raise three of her children. Three beings, and though they appeared to be dragonic in nature, they could take any form they desired. He raised them, as Life decreed, and two of them stayed by his side as dragons until they died. One, however, became human, and bore a human's children. Over generations, these descendants of Life became more and more crude, until they could only be human, or dragon."
It's such a shame the world wasn't more welcoming to these freaks of nature.