(Romance, Drama, Omegaverse, Enemies to Lovers.)
(Ambientación: Corea del Sur, alta sociedad, competencia empresarial.)
Je Yi y Woo Seul-gi se han odiado desde que tienen memoria. Crecieron juntas en un mundo de lujos y privilegios, pero sus personalidades chocaron desde el primer día. Je Yi, una alfa arrogante y clasista, cree que su linaje y apellido son intocables. Woo Seul-gi, una omega rebelde y orgullosa, nunca ha permitido que nadie la subestime, mucho menos Je Yi.
Ambas son herederas de imperios empresariales en Corea del Sur, obligadas a compartir el mismo círculo social, las mismas fiestas y los mismos eventos familiares, donde cada encuentro termina en una guerra de indirectas, humillaciones y desplantes públicos.
Pero cuando sus padres deciden fusionar sus empresas y proponer un matrimonio arreglado entre ellas para fortalecer la unión, todo cambia. Lo que comenzó como un odio implacable se transforma en una lucha por el control, una batalla de egos y, poco a poco, en algo más peligroso... un deseo que ninguna de las dos quiere admitir.
(COMPLETED | UNDER EDITING) Fresh out of college, Veronica Odair is hired as a forensic scientist at the infamous B.E.A.R. Laboratories. She is put to work on the classified Tekula Project, but certain events lead her to question her job. What is so dangerous about Level 5? Why do her tests come back increasingly strange? What secrets are B.E.A.R. Laboratories hiding? Veronica plans to find out.
Brown eyes, nearly obscured by rich locks of dark hair, stare into my light green ones with an intensity which nearly causes my knees to wobble. I can hear nothing but the thudding of my heart beating wildly in my chest, the sounds of the sirens turning into white noise at the back of my mind.
I back up until my spine connects with the elevator doors. I shiver as my bare arms come in contact with the cool metal. "Someone help me, please," I beg.
The man stalks closer still. His eyes are fixed solely on me, unmoving, intense. His fists are clutched tightly against his sides, as though restraining himself in some way. Restraining himself from what, I don't want to know.
The man stops only an arm's length away from me. I stare up at him with wide eyes, my lips parted in fear. I stand frozen, unable to move. I shut my eyes, turning my head away.
Laboured breathing, the touch of fingertips on my bare shoulder, breath on my lips. A heavy, deep inhale. Slow exhale. A forehead against mine, shaky hands cupping the back of my neck, fingertips sliding into my red locks.
My eyes open to meet the warmest pair of honey eyes.
Cover by AnnaCharles16
#2 in Werewolf
#1 in Young Adult
#1 in Lycanthrope
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