Orko was born on Trolla. He lost almost his entire family as a baby except for his uncle Montork. Uncle Montork raised him all alone, he told him all about his mom and dad. He has many good friends, Snoob a very smart young mage who dreams of being a teacher or running the academy or opening his own school someday, Squonge a small for his age and very brave Trollan, Javoil a very matter of fact and dignified wizard, Liske a gentle and caring young wizard, Garti a tough yet kind wizard, Tilsia a bubbly and energetic song mage, Krisina a passionate and fiery mage, Venorax a self absorbed wizard with his own agenda, and Dree Elle a young smart, kind and lovely song mage (Orko has had a crush on her since he was six.) This is his story before he meets Prince Adam on Eternia. Orko is of age and soon becomes the next Ringbearer one of strongest wizards with a big destiny. Orko feels the pressures of it Side story to He man Honor. Unzo, Ilyne, Esso, Ero Dee, Vana, Masde, Zelmra all belong to CrazyNutBob. Garti, Liske, Tilsia, Krisina and Venorax belong to me Autobot Pikachu.