Blaire Willets is a number one fan of One Direction.Blaire has a long time boyfriend named David Mclarty and she always had this dream that their relationship will last forever and that David is the right one for her.Then,David on the other hand really loves Blaire and he will fight for her till the end.Blaire bought 2 tickets for the 1D Concert and it's for the both of them,for David and for her.But what if in this concert Harry Styles,the british hot and hearthrob boy member of One Direction Band will notice Blaire Willets and will possibly fall in love with her.And what if the biggest secret of David that he kept to Blaire for years will suddenly revealed?Will this be the end of them or they will still be together?And this will also be the beginning of Harry and Blaire love story?Will Harry saved Blaire from her past relationship?Will he be the one?Will she could finally say Harry has saved him?Will she can say "He Saved Me"?All Rights Reserved