I've had this idea in my head for awhile now where it's sorted if like one-shots but it's all Disney characters go to a school for good and evil hence the 'Walt'. I think I'm gonna do it where every chapter is a different Disney film, there will obviously be more than one chapter of every film. To start off with I'm probably gonna be doing my favourite Disney films first and as time goes on (and if this book gets love) I'll branch out on new films and I might even take suggestions. So please don't worry if the film you're looking for isn't in the book yet! I really do hope this book turns out good because I really have had this idea stuck in my brain for awhile now. Updates won't be consistent! I'll write when I feel like it and I'm hoping to make decently long chapters so that will take me awhile, as I'm doing this on my phone. Hopefully my writing will get better as I become more confident in it, But only YOU can help with that, by supporting me and not discourage me. Oh and once again I'm typing on my phone so there will be grammar/spelling mistakes! I'm only human! I know this is a long description (it's not really a description but you know) but I think this is important for you to understand and it will also help me not be overwhelmed and delete this story like I have done to sooooo many of my past projects. So without any further information. I present to you..... Walt's Academy For Good And Evil! (So excited to start this btw)All Rights Reserved
1 part