بنت وحيدة عند والدها والتي توفيت والدتها عند ولادتها بها 💔و التي يحاولون اعظائها بشتى الطرق قتلها لكي لا ترث ميراث والدها ، لفجأة يدخل شخص جديد حياتها ليغيرها 180°لتقرر ان تتحد مع اكبر مافيا لحماية نفسها ☺️
An only daughter with her father, whose mother died when she was born 💔, and whose relatives try in every way to kill her so that she does not inherit her father's inheritance. Suddenly, a new person enters her life and changes it 180°, so she decides to unite with the biggest mafia to protect itself