After a nuclear world war decimated life on the face of the Earth, civilization survived underground that were later called undercities. Only Seven out of the Twentyfive established undercities continued supporting Human life after five years. For twenty years after that, people suffered and struggled in an irradiated world. Resources, like food and water, necessities like power and clean air was dwindling that is until scientists found a way to open portals to adjacent realities, worlds exactly like Earth but some world changing events never happened, making it completely different from the world we live in. One portal was the most stable that it allowed constant travel back and forth with almost no energy spent. This world is a young planet Earth, one that was still in its late Cretaceous Era, one that never had a comet cause a mass extinction event. The scientists call this New Earth as Saurogaia, a land still ruled by Dinosaurs! For the next one hundred years, Humanity embarks on its mission for survival, the Modern Human Migration. But a world of Dinosaurs is a world of hardships and constant danger. Many attempts of settlement failed. That is until Man learned how to tame the Apex Predator of this time period, the Tyranosauroids! Like what man has done with the Wolf, domesticating it into Dogs of the Old Earth, a partner that helped man conquer a prehistoric world, he does it again in a new world, now with Rexes. Rexes are domesticated Tyrannosaurids and or genetically modified Tyrannosaurus who were designed to imprint with Humankind, protect them, support them in hunts, help them survive in this new untamed Earth! Man's new world is being built on the backs of Rex!All Rights Reserved
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