Después de conquistar al mundo con su gran gira internacional, Charly y Yeimy regresan a Medellín listos para retomar su vida, sin imaginar que el destino les tenía preparada una sorpresa inesperada: un nuevo latido se suma a su historia. El fruto de su amor crece en el vientre de Yeimy, una noticia que los toma desprevenidos, pero que ilumina sus vidas con una felicidad indescriptible. Junto a su hijo Erik, construyen un hogar lleno de amor, y con la llegada de su pequeña, Alma, por fin sienten que la vida les está dando lo que tanto lucharon por tener: paz, estabilidad y una familia completa.
Pero la felicidad nunca está asegurada, y el destino, caprichoso y cruel, les tiene preparado un giro que jamás vieron venir. En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, su mundo se desmorona. Un accidente lo cambia todo. Charly, roto y sin rumbo, se aferra a su hija Alma mientras la desesperación lo consume, luchando contra un vacío imposible de llenar.
Lo que parecía un final es solo el principio de una historia marcada por la tragedia, la esperanza y un amor que se niega a morir. Pero ¿realmente todo ha terminado? ¿O quizá este solo sea el comienzo de una historia que aún tiene mucho por contar?
Porque cuando dos almas están destinadas a estar juntas, ni el tiempo, ni la distancia, ni siquiera la muerte pueden separarlas.
"Curiosity killed the kitty Miss Adams."
My body stiffened. Slowly I turned around just to see Mr. Parker standing in front of me with hands in his trouser pockets. I bit my lip. I thought he would be angry but when I looked at him. His face showed no emotion. He then started walking towards me I moved back. This continued until my back hit the door. Then he placed his one hand on my side, leaning forward, close to me.
"What was rule number three Miss Adams." His face was extremely close to mine my breath got hitched. I couldn't answer his question why? Because I was more focused in the distance between us.
"I asked you something Miss Adams." He said again.
"T-That t-there a-are prohibited areas i-in the house where I shouldn't g-go."
"It seems like you remember the rules. This room is one of those prohibited areas. So, from next time think before you put yourself into trouble."
I just stared at his eyes. I was lost in those pair of sea-coloured eyes. No other guy has ever affected me this much as Mr. Parker. I get nervous around him. I don't know what this feeling is but this feeling is different. A feeling that I have never felt for anyone.
"Understood?" he said again.
I nodded. "Yes Mr. Parker."
Liam Parker, 25 year old billionaire. Arrogant, handsome, ruthless, the only thing matters to him is his son and his work.
Bella Adams, 24 year old simple and bubbly girl, who lives with her Nanny in an orphanage.
What will happen when Bella comes as a babysitter of Liam's son? Let's find out in the story.....