Humans are greedy as fuck. They have everything, but it's never enough. Money, power, fame, love-no matter how much they get, they still want more. And the worst part? They don't even fucking need it. The rich sit on piles of cash while others starve. People betray their own blood for a little more power. Friends turn into enemies the second their benefit runs out. And yet, they act like they're kind, like they give a shit.
Truth is, no one really cares. Everyone just wants what's best for them. They pretend to be good, act all righteous, but when it comes down to it, it's always me, me, me. Even love? That's just another fucking selfish game. People love as long as they get something out of it. The moment they don't, they leave.
This book isn't gonna sugarcoat shit. It's gonna tell you what you don't wanna hear. The ugly truth about humans, about you. You ready to face it?