Suddenly - a thud. His hand hit the wall next to her. Leyla flinched. "You're fucking hot and you just don't know it," he growled. "Every time I'm with you, I fight with myself because I want you so damn much. I want to see you, I want to kiss you... I want to feel you." His words burned into her. "Leyla." His voice was deep, commanding. "Look at me." Slowly she raised her head. Their eyes met. "I'm just asking you one last time." His hands clenched into fists. She could feel how tense he was - how much he was holding back. "Do you want me?" His breathing was uneven, his chest rising and falling heavily. He groaned softly as he braced himself against the wall with both hands, as if he would otherwise lose control.Todos los derechos reservados
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