Harmonies Along the Coast is a coming-of-age story set in the Philippines with a hint of mythological elements. It follows 18 year old Celeste who is in the midst of dealing with both internal and external struggles as she has to think of her future career after graduation. She wants to pursue her first love introduced to her by her late father, music. However, her mother wants her to follow a more stable career path. Needing to get away from it all, she suddenly finds herself in a cave with an enchanting body of water that almost appears to be glowing. There she encounters...? Here's a preview: Her attention was then on the images that were on the wall. These images were so faint that she could have easily missed it if it weren't for the light from outside. The drawings were of people standing and doing cute (in her opinion) poses. After spending a few moments admiring them, she began to notice how alone she was in the cave. Without the sounds of water, it would be almost eerily silent. Before her overthinking caused her to further freak out, Celeste began to sing a song as a way to calm her nerves. Her voice echoed throughout the cave, which she had somewhat expected. However, what she did not expect was a second voice to suddenly join in. Alarmed, the young woman jumps yelling, "Who's there?!" The second voice went silent at Celeste's questioning. She frantically looks around until she sees a figure slightly hiding behind a rock in the water...All Rights Reserved