After coming from a broken and troubled past, Ebony steps into a bright future. Well that depends on whether you call a future where there is a high likelihood someone is going to find your body in a backstreet riddled with bullets bright. And as if that idea isn't enough to contend with she also has to put up with a very nosey god messing with her life. But then again, there's always a plus. This life's plus is a chance to fight for equality and the possibility of starting anew. But will her past hinder her in her new way of life? And when tragedy strikes will she be strong enough to carry on?
"You only get one life, but you get to choose where that life takes you" Ebony
In a time of fear and unrest, The One Who is Promised will come to the people, bearing glory in her train and justice in her hand. She will be the Chosen One. She will restore the god to his proper temple and his children to her right hand. She will be the wise one, the cunning one, the strong one, the warrior and will be queen of the rouge. She will be attended by her cousins the crows, her fighters (my children) and her brothers of the rouge. She will give a home to all and the crows will fly in her honour.
Kyprish Prophecy