HDxD (Reborn Female Issei) X DAL
13 Kapitel Laufend DESCRIPTION:This is a Story about the aftermath of defeating Trihexa or "The Beast 666" and it will lead to Issei Hyoudou entering the Universe of Date A Live,but how did he end up there,it's up to I,the Author,to make and for all of you,the Readers,to find out!
Disclaimer:I do not own HDxD and DAL they belong to their rightful owners:
Ichiei Ishibumi (HDxD) and Kōshi Tachibana (DAL).
This story was only made for entertainment purposes and is not meant to be taken seriously.
Also,anything else added in this story belongs to their rightful owners.
Thank you for understanding and Enjoy the story......
A/N:This story will only last until Season 4 for the anime series of DAL but I will continue it,if Seasom 5 will be released
A/N:Also I am a first time writer so don't hate me XD