Zayn Malik cant dance, or so he says he cant. He is trying to accomplish the moves for the big tour, but its hard on him, with the hate, pressure, and it doesnt help that Perrie recently broke up with him. When he thinks the worst has hit him, One Direction's choreographer leaves! Thats when Addison comes in. She has been a dancer for as long as she can remember. Trying to forget her past in the United States, she comes to stay with her aunt Lou in London... her aunt who is One Direction's stylist. When Paul gets desprate for a choreographer, he offers to pay her to teach the boys to dance... And to help a certain boy get it right. Of course this is going to be a handful. Throw in some secrets, haunting pasts, frightening fears and a blooming friendship that threatens to become more... What will Addie and Zayn do? Read more to find out!
3 parts