En cours d'écriture, Publié initialement janv. 24, 2013
Adeline Harvey, (Adie to her friends) is content with her life. Content; not happy, not sad, but satisfied. Forced to go through what no child should, she’s been stumbling through this maze called life ever since. Now, on the doorstep of her senior year, she knows this is it. This is the last chapter of her ‘childhood’, the last time she will probably ever be referenced as too young, or not old enough.
Enter Jacob Denali, the new boy. He’s a rebel without a cause, and only a glance is needed to know he’s trouble… so why he is the only thing Adie can think of?
After spending her teenage life looking for that boy who would sweep her off her feet and make everything better, Adie’s almost given up hope. But maybe he’s just around the corner, and perhaps she’s just been looking for the right boy in all the wrong places.