Okey...so this one is for all those readers like me who just love percy Jackson AND the kane chronicles AND harry potter....[(hope you got why I named my first novel HARPERKANEs..but for those who didn't ....HAR as in harry...PER as in percy and obviously KANES as in kanes.)...yeah..I know that's a bit lame...but it just fits...!!)]
Ženia--"I guess it all started the day I completely messed up with my mom..."
Harry--"Ženia Tucker..the girl who has it all..that's what they called you ,right? ""Oooh!! Look at that girl,she's Ženia Tucker..she's got everything a girl would ever wish for.!""
Percy-- Oh stop saying that to my sister dude,you know nothing about how it feels like having it all but still thinking that you're a jerk."
Ženia--wait a minute..I don't think that I'm a jerk!"
Harry--and well,Percy,I know exactly how it feels like to-"
Percy--"yeah...know that you should have already been dead by now by a killing curse..HA!"
Sadie--"oh percy shut up!! Let her speak."
Ženia--"thanks Sadie..so basically,my life sucked,until....I found out something...well, somethingS.
P/s this book is written with respect to percy,harry,Sadie and obviously Ženia's pointS of viewS...
Would love to know your opinions..Do comment-!_!
DISCLAIMER : this is purely the work of fanfiction.Some names,characters,events and incidents are the products of the respected author's possesions,rest are mine;D
ALSO,I do not claim that any of the mythology stuff is absolutely true..!