Me : My name is Miley ,I 'm 18 and I went through depression 3 years ago , my parents hate me , their abusive and they're not even my real parents ...God only knows where my real parents are
I have no friends , i'm not like other normal 18 year olds , I don't have Twitter , Facebook or any of those things , I don't have a phone , i'm not allowed to go to parties , that is if I ever get invited to any , I don't believe in love , I think its just an illusion , Everyday I pray that a Miracle of me meeting someone who actually loves me will happen,but I know its not true , I'm not good enough,
I'll never be good enough ...
#WattyAwards #Wattys2015
I didn't expect my little 'adventure' to go like this. Just a normal camping trip with well... Myself. But little did i know this camping trip would turn into so much more. i hadn't expected to meet five gorgeous British boys. They just happened to be camping next to me. I didn't expect to fall in love with one of them. And i sure as hell was not prepared for the roller coaster life they were about to hand me. Because these boys were the aspiring One Direction. They had made it into X-Factor and were doing pretty well. The season was winding down now, only five acts left. To avoid some stress they escaped to California for a week.
A week.
That's how long it took me to become best friends with them. How long it took me to fall in love with one of them. If only i had known before hand what i was getting myself into. Maybe i would've never gone on that little trip. But i know i'm just lying to myself. If it wasn't for them i might not be here. The boys always say that i changed how they looked at life, but little did they know they were saving mine.
Harry Styles Fanfic
#1 Sleepless Nights