This story is about a young girl with a hidden past, living in a world unknown to us. This world is a world of men and dwarves, of elves and orcs, of beasts that we have never seen before. And in this terrible, fantastic place lived a dwarven girl.
She lived in a town of men, with no kin to speak of, (though had yet to find out why), and she never strayed far from home, to save the frail heart of the old man who cared for her. Her hair was dark blonde, and travelled onto her fierce chin in the manner of a dwarven lady. Her eyes were a wild, hazel mix of the forest she loved and lived by. And this girl, unbeknownst to her, held in her toughened, dwarven hands, and her cautious, trusting heart, an epic history and a tale that had not yet been told, its wild words not spoken and its magic not yet woven. And so, until the day a new story began, one to decide her own world's fate, this girl gave herself a mask and a sword and a name. And it was Ulf.
Neither of us uttered a word for the longest time. I step towards him with my eyes never leaving his "Do you know why I came back?" I ask softly "Why I stayed with the company even after we had escaped the goblin hoard,after the Pale Orc nearly killed us, and even after you became a cold and cruel King?" Thorin turns away from me filled with arrogance and his pride not wanting to meet my gaze. I turn his cheek to face me. Just above a whisper I say "Because I believed in you."