Once Upon A Time, There was a young girl named Katerina, Daughter of Pierce Wilson. After Kat's mother passed, her father married a cruel woman who had two daughters about the same age as Katerina named Hallie and Sam. When Kat's father passed away, her horrific step mother uses her as a servant in her own home. Katerina dreams to travel the world with her bestfriends from school but having to deal with everything at home is stopping her from it all. Soon to come, she meets a young boy at a school fair that she was forbidden to go to by her stepmother. As she rushes to get home, she forgot to grab her sunglasses that she had left on the table in which the young boy suddenly finds. As Katerina becomes his mystery girl, she realizes that this is something that needs to be fixed. Will they eventually find each other and live happily ever after? Or will all go wrong?
3 parts