glut·ton·y /ˈɡlətnē/ noun habitual greed or excess in eating. synonyms: greed, greediness, overeating, gourmandism, voracity, insatiability. He can't stop himself. He feels the need to eat, to binge. He eats and he eats. He hates himself for it. star·va·tion /stärv/ verb gerund or present participle: starving (of a person or animal) suffer severely or die from hunger. "she left her animals to starve" synonyms: hunger, deprived of food, undernourished, malnourished, starved. He can't stop himself. He feels the need to starve, to be deprived. He starves and he starves. He hates himself for it. Will is overweight. He just can't help himself. It's like his only distraction is food, like it's the only way to forget everything. It's not like he has much to forget. But the small things are massive to him. Cole is underweight. He keeps seeing himself as fat. He just can't eat anymore, even the thought of food makes him feel like throwing up. He seems to be a perfect guy. That's what he's aiming for. ~All Rights Reserved
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