"God of the Weak, Gods of the Strong" is a historical fiction about a shield-maiden and her experiences raiding with the Vikings. This story was originally written for an assignment in my Viking History class. Enjoy.
"We have been on this ship for nearly two weeks. The wind is harsh, the fog is thick, and the rain and waves hit our skin like ice. My whole body aches from the rowing we must do to keep propelled forward in this harsh storm. Some are saying Thor is mad at us, some say Jörmungandr is writhing his body to cause such great waves as to sink us. I do not think either is so.
The week of our departure we made sacrifices to Odin, for wisdom in our journey, may he lead us to the wealth we seek, Thor, for his protection in battle and at sea, and Nord, for calm waters as we make our passage across his domain. Some men also made private sacrifices to Týr, so that they may be victorious in battle and shine as warriors above the rest. I myself made a sacrifice to Freyja, the Goddess of the Valkýries, may she give me strength to be the only woman putting up with a boat full of men; a boat full of men who have not showered for two weeks now, as we left on a Friday. I have my speculations this was in part because some men here have a severe distaste for bath-day. I reckon their wives prefer sleeping next to the cows."
In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.