Fairy Tail had just about returned back to its outgoing state, months after the Grand Magic Games incident. Spring had just ended and the air was getting warmer, preparing for summer. But when a strange mark had appeared on Lucy's arm, she knew things weren't just right yet. Discovering about the 'no-jobs' ban for all the guilds in Fiore because of a strange sickness that leaves recovered wizards without their magic, Team Natsu decides to take on a special request from The Council to investigate. After being ambushed by a mysterious man in Hargeon, the team returned to Fairy Tail, and Lucy realizes her key to Aquarius had been stolen. Not only that, but the strange sickness had spread to Magnolia, and they find a young girl bearing Aquarius's key, who is unable to recall anything. The sickness is spreading faster, and they are running out of time, so they took the only option they had; track down the strange man who had ambushed them in Hargeon.
❝Uh-oh, on the trending tab, hope this won't be ending bad. ❞
Twitch-Streamer sind eine ganz eigene Brut. Nur wenige andere Menschen auf der Welt würden es zu ihrem erklärten Ziel erheben, sich entlang ihrer rigiden Streaming-Schedule planmäßig für abertausende Zuschauer von innen nach außen zu kehren.
Freya weiß, dass sie niemals etwas anderes wollte. Kit hat Größe erlebt und ist abhängig davon geworden. Gilbert sucht in alledem die verborgene Wissenschaft.
Was geschieht also, wenn diese drei diametralen Motivationen und Einstellungen aufeinanderprallen? Wird man sich gegenseitig helfen können? Oder wird man sich nur gemeinsam in den Untergang begeben?