Every 6 children one from each Castlar (A castlar is like a faction/district just my word) gets taken away from their Castlar to get taken to the Emoir (said Mem-w-a-r, not war wahr) by the Cryson (Cry-son. Cryson is a group of 1-3 assassins who come to take the teens away from their Castlar agaisnt their will), who take them against their will . The Emoir is a very old mansion to the people on the outside but to those inside it is totally different. Filled with creatures unknown to the Castlar's. One of the chosen 6 are special, very special. Every year a new child is promised the special power. The Six Castlar's are; 1- Arogon (Ara-gone) = The Earth Clan 2- Quilasea (Quil-a-sea) = The Water Clan 3- Astraia (Ast-ray-a) = The Wind Clan 4- Zoula (Zoo-la) = The Space Clan 5- Desirie (Des-i-ree) = The Fire Clan 6- Xaveria (ex-av-eh-ree-a) = The Spirit Clan The Teenager from each Castlar are; 1- Lyon Evenly (Even-ly) = From Arogon 2- Dria (Dr-ee-a) Escolay (Es-coe-lay) = From Desirie 3- Noah Penlin = From Astraia 4- Ayato (I-yat-o) Usui (Use-oo-A) = From Quilasea 5- Yuri (You-ree) Chic (Sheek) = From Zoula 6- Amaris Lorelei (Lor-i-lie) = From Xaveria Btw each clan are filled with Vampires. And the 6 are between the age of 15 and 17. ___ I hope you like the new idea...Its Sakura XXX Sakura's fallen ___