There are many ways to view the world. A tall person's vision cast a larger circumference gained
by height advantage. Truly the eagle and the turtle see the same world from vastly different points
of view. I have been learning so much of late about human capabilities to see and how truly limited
our range of sight is. It makes me hunger for the future, when today's tech can be in reach of the common man. I want my sony universal vision visor with NOD infra red microwave x ray gamma, beta zeta and all the others I dare not list in public. When learning shall drip as butter, and eyes will see
what is really all around us.
Mom, how can I explain to you that the M.E.S>h is real and that I have known my fate for quite sometime. How do I explain the depths that words alone can not touch.
And yet, I know you know.
We as HUMANS have an ear for the TRUTH...
It rings out, when we hear it.
Mom, please let this letter to you ring true.
I am about an endeavor this month of May in tribute to you.
I need to borrow you as "LEADING LADY" in my saga of women heros.
So I pray you will be patient, as unwind the consonants and vowels in the right order tell this tale.