On Miria, a beautiful world filled with floating islands, and golden clouds that tower over all, danger is unfolding...
Linos Stari is a student at the local Guild School, in college for a medical artifice doctorate. He is called upon by the Guild Leader to tutor a new student, entering his program late, named Reva Capella. He quickly finds himself entangled in a plot that suggest Reva is the culprit of a crime kept secret from the public. The one thing he knows for sure, is everyone's after a specific mysterious box. With more questions than answers, Linos tries to find out the truth, only to find he could be in over his head with no clear way out...
Angel Starlight is a normal girl who gets an opportunity to go on a yacht for a project. Angel meets two girls, who turn out to be the ones she's partnered with on her project. They go to the Forbidden Island and discover something magical.
Jordan Griffin is a merman who has what all the guys at his school wants: money, power, and what he says at his school goes. His Dad owns the school and pretty much almost all of the city, so he pretty much gets what he wants. His Dad decides to give out invitations to a dozen students at every high school in town for a chance to experience the luxury life.
Jordan meets Angel one day on his Dad's yacht and he immediately falls in love with her. He's excited that Angel is one of the lucky few who were chosen for the luxury experience. When they arrive at the Forbidden Island, he's excited to show Angel and the students the tour of the Island, while staying away from a certain area.
The Forbidden Island is said to hold a dark past. Angel and her friends leave the yacht and accidentally gets left behind when the yacht leaves. So they have to find a way off the Forbidden Island but it's more difficult than they thought. They decide to go to the area where the dark past took place. When they dwell deeper inside, they discover something truly magical.