Casey finds herself in a hallway with her bag...again. She decides to crash at her old friend Jace's apartment. Instead of Jace she is greeted by his three super hot roommates. One night turns into one week which turns into crazy fun, a lot of weirdness, and much longer than she expected. As she gets to know them she realizes that she isn't the only one with secrets and that personality goes a lot farther than first impressions. But as her past catches up with her will she be able to hold together the new life she has created? Or will the dream shatter causing her to lose the people closest to her? BEWARE: Grammar and spelling is not a strong suit of ours (there are two authors my friend is the funny one). :P Please comment with your thoughts. We love feedback. Tell us which character is your favorite. Also, some of the pics used as covers I borrowed from Google. :P I do NOT own them. Thank you Google.