Ever since Edgar Aristorenas left his previous prestigious school, got enrolled in another school where a fictitious classroom called Class 1-0 Locked Eternity existed and got rostered there, his daily life has been about firing guns, eating Japanese hot pots, training on the grounds in preparation for battle, battling their archenemy Anti-Locked Eternity or ALE, studying with a bunch of robot teachers, crying, facing their own personal problems with the help of soldier-minded class representative Gus, and discovering the secret of this hidden world where the classroom stands. With the help of Edgar's classmate which includes a gluttonous genius, piano prodigy, introverted otaku, former maid, hopeless singer, the class bully, the boy with the strongest sense of smell, and a warrior from different parallel universes, will they succeed from battling ALE in order to protect Locked Eternity or will they find a way to solve their own personal problems which they're battling from the start?