Peace be upon you/Hullo. When I was preparing for my CIE English (both IGCSE and AS-Level), I felt that I could use some more samples of descriptions, seeing that they’re a persistent facet of assessment of CIE English. So I hope to hereby help you with your descriptive skill, for examination(s) or otherwise. You may request me to write on a particular question, and I’ll try, with the Will of the Lord, to answer it like an exam answer. You are NOT PERMITTED to plagiarize/copy-paste/slice-n-steal any of my ideas. You may, however, borrow the idea(s) and innovate on those lines, yet, please try to be original. And I pray so for myself, too. Voila. Good days to you. And may the Lord Help you in this, and in all. Peace be to all those who follow the Guidance.