Lemon Pepper Chicken clear, single-serving lunch or supper. Chicken midsections sauteed with margarine, new lemon juice and new ground dull pepper. That is it - and stop for this delicious, tart lemony peppery dish.Lemon pepper Chicken is an improving that is a fantastic representation of this. On a key level, the blazing punch of lemons and the blasting sprout fragrance of regularly part dull pepper ought to give a charming refinement of flavors that can make a brilliant cut of chicken sing. Regardless, in the occasion that you're utilizing a packaged flavoring blend, odds are its going to make your sustenance have a trailing sensation like dish substance...
- Boneless chicken breasts-2
- 1 Lemon
- Crushed black peppercorns-2 tbsp
- 1/2 chopped coriander fresh leaves for garnish
- Salt to taste
- 1 tbsp ginger and garlic paste
- 2 tbsp oil for garnish
- A few wedges of lemon
- Before making Lemon Pepper Chicken preheat the oven on 180 C
- For Lemon Pepper Chicken chopped some coriander leaves then transfer it into a bowl grate some lemon zest half lemon into the bowl.
- After zest squeeze its juice into the bowl too,add some salt,ginger-garlic paste,crushed peppercorns,oil and mix all the ingredients together and keep aside.
- Slit the chicken breasts into half and put it in the marination mix well make sure that the chicken are nicely coated with the marinate so when the marination of chicken has done keep this aside at least 15 to 20 minutes.
- So after 20 minutes the chicken pieces are nicely marinated.So quickly dress some oil on the baking try place the chicken breasts on the baking try and cover it with aluminum foil..
- Bake the chicken 10 to 14 minutes at 180 C.
- So after 10 minutes take out chicken from the oven and remove the aluminum foil then take out the chicken straight away on the serving plate..
- Keep wedges of lemon,sprinkle some coriander.
- So our Lemon Pepper Chicken is ready.